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We are looking for team members

An enthusiastic Student or a Professional with the knowledge of AI, IOT, Programming skills would be great to support us to build our product HBOT.

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The challenge

Nowadays, people started to live a sedentary lifestyle and in the process of it, they have completely forgotten their health status. As a result, disease like diabetes is a major issue in the world and especially in the Netherlands. Therefore the measurement of blood glucose is essential to avoid future problems. In some scenarios, there are also chances where diabetes issues are not diagnosed properly at the right time, which even puts them at high risk. Lots of money and time is wasted for patients and also for doctors. Another big problem is missing medication intake, sometimes it can lead to serious health issues especially in the case of elderly people.

The solution

Our product HBOT helps people suffering from diabetes by giving an option to measure blood glucose levels and also they can keep a track of their health records of the measurements. Moreover, it helps the doctors as well to monitor the patients from remote distance. By doing so, the patients will stay healthy forever. Options like medication reminder or scheduling over verbal communications make it's more flexible and useful for the user. Patients having their own personalized companion at home would also save a lot of money. Overall, Our products helps the Diabetes patients to improve their health and stay happy forever.

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